Welcome to TSWREIS Warangal East Won First Prize in Kalpana Vigyanshaala International Incubator Program 2024


TSWRDC(W) Warangal East started in the year 2016, is founded by TSWREIS for a holistic education and the empowerment of young women from marginalized society. The college is accommodated on a huge campus of Yoganand building at Warangal District. The college is affiliated to Kakathiya University.

To emerge as an epicenter of academic excellence and empower the young women with value based holistic development, equipping them for global challenges.

Providing quality education for girl students to make them competent and employable to succeed in any professional field by integrating qualities like humanity, social values, ethics, leadership in order to make them responsible citizens in particular and help improve women status in society in general.

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About Us



Core Institutional Values

  1. Inclusiveness and Tolerance
  2. Ecological Conservation
  3. Self-Reliant
  4. Adherence to Constitutional Values

Established in 2016, TSWRDC-Telangana Social Welfare Residential Degree College Warangal East is situated in Rangashaipet, Warangal, within the vibrant state of Telangana. Renowned for its commitment to excellence in education, the college has emerged as a premier institution in Warangal, distinguished by its rigorous academic standards, diverse educational programs, esteemed faculty, a plethora of extracurricular activities, and infrastructure.
Affiliated to Kakatiya University, TSWRDC-Telangana Social Welfare Residential Degree College for women Warangal East upholds the highest standards and best practices in higher education. The college boasts a tranquil atmosphere conducive to focused study, complemented by well-equipped facilities such as classrooms, computer labs, science labs, a smart lab, gymnasium, and sports. These amenities contribute to the holistic development of students, fostering a comprehensive educational experience that extends beyond traditional classroom learning. The emphasis on creating a conducive environment for learning is a key highlight of the college, enhancing the overall educational journey of its students.
In alignment to the Society’s guidelines the principal goal of the institution is to deliver high-quality residential education to the women students. Additionally, the institution ensures the provision of exceptional meals selected from a meticulously curated menu. To oversee the daily menu and uphold the quality and standards of the food served within the premises, the institution maintains a vigilant monitoring system.
Our students self-confidence and efficacy have consistently blossomed, enabling them to embrace success. Despite hailing from humble and economically disadvantaged backgrounds, these children have demonstrated time and again that their accomplishments are not hindered by the cut-throat competitive world. They have proven that they possess the qualities not just to dream but also to turn those dreams into reality.
Within the institution, a highly optimistic and holistic ambience is cultivated, empowering students to confidently tackle the countrys most challenging competitive exams. Over the past five years, they have been showcasing their prowess in entrance examinations. Setting a benchmark for others, these students have secured coveted positions in Indias top institutions, including IITS, NITs, Azim Premji University, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), and Central Universities and State Universities. Their achievements reflect the limitless potential for success. The narrative of their achievements now speaks for itself, defying all doubt and showcasing the boundless heights they can reach. Not only in curriculum,the students achievements are remarkable in national and state level sports which bagged many medals.








Open Hours:

Mon-Sat: 9:00AM - 5:00PM


Head Office:
10-4-771/294, Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society, Owaisi Pura, Masab Tank, Hyderabad, Telangana 500028,

Office of the Secretary TSWREIS,
Gurukulam, I floor, DSS Bhavan, Masab Tank, Hyderabad – 28., Ph: 180042545678, Fax:040-23303042